CDFW will continue to accept paper notifications for other types of contracts, including master,” gravel/sand/rock mining, routine maintenance, and wood harvesting. Step 1: Complete the LSA (Notification of Lake or Streambed Alteration) form. © Stoel Rives – California Environmental Legislation | Attorney Advertising Fish and Game Code Section 1602 requires any legal entity (defined as any person, governmental or local authority or utility company) to notify the California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW) before commening any activity that sends one or more of the following conditions: CDFW accepts notifications of standard agreements regarding its new online information system for: Environmental authorizations (EPIMS). CDFW will continue to accept paper notifications until August 2020, but all applications received on September 1, 27, 2020 will be processed through EPIMS. CDFW believes that the use of EPIMS will streamline and make the authorisation process more efficient by allowing access wherever it is possible to access the internet, for the transmission of additional information, the calculation of authorisation fees, electronic signatures, automated electronic notifications and reminders, as well as the applicant`s follow-up of the progress of the authorisation. As part of a broader effort to improve efficiency and become paperless, the California Department of Fisheries and Wildlife (CDFW) will begin adopting electronic notifications for all standard lake and streambed alteration (LSA) agreements on August 1, 2020. DISCLAIMER: Given the overall quality of this update, the information contained in this update may not apply in all situations and should not be implemented without specific legal advice based on certain situations. To inform the CDFW of any of the activities described above, you need to run the following authorization process: Step 2: Determine the notification fee sent with the completed notification form. The application for authorization is settled in a way of 4 orders: Step 3: Send the completed notification form with all the necessary facilities on paper and with the correct notification fee to the region or to the CDFW antenna that serves the area in which the project will take place.

For more information about EPIMS or if you need help filling out your online notification, please see: Online LSA reports can be sent via the Environmental Permit Information Management System (EPIMS), originally introduced in 2018 for cannabis growers. With system upgrades, EPIMS is now available for all LSA standard agreements, not just those related to cannabis cultivation. *Please note that “each river, stream or lake” includes those that are episodic (they are dry for periods) as well as those that are multi-year (they circulate throughout the year). These include ephemeral streams, enemas in the desert, and streams with an underground current. It may also apply to work carried out within the flood plan of a body of water. . . .