The key elements of a joint venture may include (but are not limited): in Ukraine, most joint ventures operate in the form of a limited liability company[22], as there is no legal person formed as a joint venture. The protection of the rights of foreign investors is guaranteed by the Law of Ukraine “On Foreign Investment”. In Ukraine, the Joint Undertaking may be set up without the creation of a legal person and within the framework of the Cooperation Agreement [23] (Dogovir pro spilnu diyalnist); Ukr. Договір про спільну діяльність). Under the Civil Code of Ukraine, CA can be created by two or more parties; The rights and obligations of the parties are governed by the treaty. The cooperation agreement is widespread in Ukraine, especially in the field of oil and gas extraction. He writes: “Another account emerged from our latest analysis of U.S. Department of Commerce (DOC) data collected by more than 20,000 companies. According to doc data, foreign joint ventures are American.
