If you prefer flexibility you better sign up for a contract that can be quit on a monthly basis. Im Jahr 2017 hatte zusätzlich auch die Stiftung Warentest die Qualität der Handynetze in Deutschland überprüft. Seitdem ist der Netzausbau aber stetig vorangeschritten. Der Test hat daher an Aussagekraft verloren. This is why we can recommend Deutsche Telekom’s young brand “congstar”: Congstar uses the same network as T-Mobile, but is more affordable. Congstar’s Do It Yourself Prepaid offer lets you design your own plan according to your needs. In our opinion: A good deal. If you want to save some money on your mobile phone plan and the reception is not of big importance, you should choose the cheaper plans by O2 or third-party providers. ✅ 8GB of mobile Data with LTE speed ✅ 6 month contracts ✅ Flatrate for calls within Germany and flatrate for SMS ✅ Very competitive prices I’m currently in Frankfurt and my EE contract is using TDG (whoever that actually is). Some things you need to decide for yourself are whether you prefer a cheaper phone provider, or if your main focus is on fast mobile internet, etc.

I am using Vodafone and I think Vodafone has the worst service in Germany specially for people, who doesn’t speak German. They are not at all cooperating. I have a mobile phone contract with Vodafone and also I am paying insurance for my phone. The screen of my phone got broken and so I asked the insurance to change my phone. The insurance company has changed my phone and instead of a new phone they gave me an old repaired phone, whose button is not working properly. This means that they are probably a good pick already, as many of your friends might have a contract with them. Das beste Netz – mit diesem Versprechen wirbt die Telekom. Und offenbar stimmt es.

Vergleichstests renommierter Fachmedien bestätigen immer wieder, dass die Telekom die beste Netzqualität zu bieten hat. Das Handynetz der Telekom, auch D1-Netz genannt, räumt seit Jahren einen Testsieg nach dem anderen ab. Make sure that with your new contract you also check the box “Drittanbieter sperren”. You never know, if you need to move away again from Germany at least you are not stuck with a 24 months contract. 14.05.2020, 17:00 UhrAllgemein hin gilt das Handynetz der Telekom (D1) als das beste. Doch Telekom-Tarife sind kostspielig. Gut, dass es gnstige Alternativen im D1-Netz gibt. Hier eine Anbieterbersicht! If you prefer good reception both in cities and in rural areas and fast mobile internet you should pick one of the D1 network contracts. I cannot even cancel the contract with Vodafone now. I won’t recommend Vodafone either to anyone. If you don’t want a contract but just a prepaid sim, one of the subsidiaries of Deutsche Telekom is Congstar. It has lots of different plans for great prices that suit your needs.